KataCon Europe
The Lean Forum Sweden invites you to KataCon in Sweden, 2024.
KataCon Europe 2024 is happening on December 3rd and 4th in Halmstad, Sweden
A dynamic business landscape means your team need to be dynamic too. Many organizations in Europe are adding scientific-thinking practice to become more efficient, adaptable, and competitive. Come to Halmstad to get an update and learn from peers about how you can take your team to a new level of results in unpredictable times.
• We’ll begin with two study visits:
To start off we’ll have behind the scenes visits at two incredible organizations. It will be an exclusive chance to learn from Rejme’s Bil AB (Volvo car dealer), one of the company’s featured in Jeffrey Liker’s books The Toyota Way to Service Excellence and The Toyota Way 2nd Edition. Also at the award-winning production company Halmstads Gummifabrik their CEO will share their lean journey from 2006 to now, where lean is a large part of their DNA.
• Then we’ll shift to keynotes from three renowned experts, with follow-on discussion:
Christina Bengtsson (Stockholm School of Economics), Joe Justice (formerly Tesla), and Malik Šišić (Volkswagen) will share their experience on speeding innovation, creating focus on both a personal and organizational level, and practicing and coaching for scientific thinking in a large organization. Your questions will be welcome in the discussion!
• But… talk & discussion are not enough, so then we move into some hands-on practice:
In three hands-on workshops you’ll learn how to practice scientific thinking and coaching skills and bring life to what we discussed. These are things you can take home and start doing on Monday.
Join us for this useful annual gathering filled with insights, learning, and practicing: How to thrive at work, how to become the coach you always wanted to be, how psychological behaviors and your organization’s culture are connected. Whether you’re curious, a beginner, a learner, or a coach, come join your peers in Halmstad.
In the morning you choose between study visits at Rejmes Bil AB and Halmstad Gummifabrik or a transformative workshop about Kata Coaching Dojo.
After lunch we will gathering together for keynotes and reflections.
8.00-12.30 Study visits: Rejmes Bil AB and Halmstad Gummifabrik
8.00-12.30 Workshop: Kata Coaching Dojo
Developing World-Class Coaching Skills – How to become the coach you always wanted to be, and your team needs you to be
12.30-13.30 Lunch at Rejme’s lunch restaurant
13.30-14.00 Teach back from the morning sessions
14:00-14:30 Keynote: Practicing and Coaching Scientific Thinking at Volkswagen Sarajevo, and beyond – Malik Šišić
14.30-15.00 Coffee and networking
15:00 -15:30 Keynote: The Art of Focus – and what happens with us when we do not focus – Christina Bengtsson
15:30 – 16:00 Keynote: Frameworks Rainbow: Pace of Innovation is the Only Thing that Matters in the Long Run – Joe Justice
16:00 – 16:45 Panel discussion: Developing the Learning Organization – Christina Bengtsson, Joe Justice, Johan Häggström, Aslak Iversen, Pia Anhede
16.45-17.00 Reflections and Closing
8.00-12.00 On our second day you choose one of our two workshops:
Workshop: #MobAI, how to thrive at work a little longer while AI takes over all the jobs
with Joe Justice and Tilo Schwarz
Workshop: Achieving Successful Change: A Workshop on Social and Psychological Needs
with Aslak Iversen and Hanna
12.00-13.00 Lunch
The event ends with a joint lunch
The Conference will be held at Rejmes Bil AB, Kristinehedsvägen 1, 302 44 Halmstad.
If you’re flying in from abroad then Kastrup is the easiest airport with frequent 2hr direct trains to Halmstad.
Day 1: €800
Day 2: €400
Our Partner Event K AB will send you an invoice after your registration. The registration is binding with no refunding, but can be left to a colleague. Send an e-mail to info@leanforum.se for more information.
We suggest the following hotels in Halmstad:
Clarion Collection Hotel Norre Park
KataCon Europe Team
Pia Anhede, pia@anhede.com
Tilo Schwarz, tilo.schwarz@lernzone.com
Joakim Hillberg, joakim@hillberg.com
If you have any questions, please contact: info@leanfoum.se
or any of us on the team, see above