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Christina Bengtsson

Vi har just nu problem med anmälningar från äldre versioner av Internet Explorer. Vänligen kontakta Rikard Sjöström, rikard.sjostrom@leanforum.se, 070-795 29 29 vid eventuella problem.

Christina is an author, military officer, precision shooting world champion, and a global thought leader on the topic of focus. She is an educated technician on the JAS Gripen fighter and is trained at the US Army Marksmanship Unit. She is the first female head of the European Liaison Office, CISM, and has been recognized with the Swedish Commander-in-Chief’s Medal.

Christina is a part of the faculty for the Stockholm School of Economics Executive International Program and is considered a global authority on the topic of focus, often referred to as the Focus Icon, the Focus Goddess, and even the female version of James Bond.

She demonstrates why focus is a ”must-act-issue” for today’s society and is on a mission to create a positive impact by helping current and future generations improve their habits of mind and stay sharp in an increasing attention industry. Through interdisciplinary research and analysis, her mission strives to move our world from blur and superficiality to clarity and quality.

Lean Forum

Lean Forum är en ideell förening med uppgift att vara samhällets ledande inspiratör och informatör för att maximera värde och att minimera slöseri. Varje år uppmärksammar vi föredömen inom lean genom att dela ut Svenska Leanpriset.