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Thesis of the year 2020/2021

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Welcome to apply!

Students active at Swedish universities and colleges and Swedish citizens studying at foreign universities who have done their bachelor or master thesis within the area of lean, may apply for Lean Forum’s award ”Thesis of the year”. The thesis shall have been completed during the studying year 2020/2021.

Anna Bayramyan won the award 2019/2020. Photo: Marcus Sandin

Assessment criterias

Assessment is based on applicability on practical operations and/or theoretical contributions, novelty value, originality and use of methods.

How do you apply

The application together with a pdf-version of the thesis shall be sent by email to info@leanforum.se. The application must be sent no later than June 30, 2021.

>> Download the application in English

You will receive a personal confirmation that we have received your application by email. Please inform us by using the abovementioned email address if you have not received the confirmation within one business day.


The scholarship is usually announced and awarded at the Lean Forum conference in October. Due to the corona situation, we will update with more information on how the sholarship will be awarded 2020. We expect the winner to present the thesis in a short article, and, if possible, by holding an oral presentation.

Lean Forum

Lean Forum är en ideell förening med uppgift att vara samhällets ledande inspiratör och informatör för att maximera värde och att minimera slöseri. Varje år uppmärksammar vi föredömen inom lean genom att dela ut Svenska Leanpriset.