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Aslak Iversen

Aslak Iversen is a licensed clinical psychologist with 15 years of experience in leadership within psychiatry. For the last decade, he has had a senior management position. His strategic agenda has been focused on improving flow and a continuous improvement structure.

Achieving Successful Change: A Workshop on Social and Psychological Needs
For change initiatives to succeed, it is crucial to meet both your own and your employees’ fundamental social and psychological needs. This applies to all forms of change, including Kata.

In this workshop, Hanna and Aslak will present a theoretical model and, through interactive dialogues and practical exercises, give you the opportunity to test and apply the model. The goal is for you to gain a deeper and more practically grounded understanding of these social needs, which in turn will help you succeed in your change initiatives.

Join our workshop and learn how to support and empower your team members to achieve success in your change efforts.

Lean Forum

Lean Forum är en ideell förening med uppgift att vara samhällets ledande inspiratör och informatör för att maximera värde och att minimera slöseri. Varje år uppmärksammar vi föredömen inom lean genom att dela ut Svenska Leanpriset.