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Einar Gudmundsson

CEO, Rejmes Bil AB

Einar has long years of practical experience as a leader and is a showcase in two of Jeff Liker’s books on successful implementation of lean. Einar is the CEO of Rejmes Personvagnar AB, a Volvo car dealer with 80 employees and 3 sites. Rejmes is a well-developed business system based on lean where continuous improvement and building a learning organization are daily work.
Since Einar was appointed CEO at Rejmes the company has made an unbelievable journey from worse to best in class in a lot of different aspects. Rejmes is now the number one dealer in Sweden in most of the customers surveys that Volvo Cars runs to measure customer satisfaction. We talk about this journey and what the drivers are. The main reason is that management has focused on supporting all the employees in their daily work and Einar as CEO meets and talks with all the 100 employees in three sites every week. There is a huge interest in the revolution at Rejmes and Volvo Cars Sweden has assigned Rejmes to be the benchmark when it comes to customers satisfaction.

Lean Forum

Lean Forum är en ideell förening med uppgift att vara samhällets ledande inspiratör och informatör för att maximera värde och att minimera slöseri. Varje år uppmärksammar vi föredömen inom lean genom att dela ut Svenska Leanpriset.