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Christian Kiks

CEO Halmstad Gummifabrik

Christian Kiks has been involved in Halmstads Gummifabrik since the start of their Lean journey. First as logistics manager and lean manager, then as production manager, COO and then in 2012 as CEO.

Their Lean journey started in 2006, Lean production was introduced for the first time in the company’s history. The goal was to lower costs in the various production facilities and to streamline all our work. It was initially a modest attempt but is now a large part of HGF’s philosophy and DNA. Kata thinking and acting have taken the organization to the next level and built the ability to reach present and future challenges.

Already within 3 years, we had received our first award for our Lean work and there would be more.

Lean Forum

Lean Forum är en ideell förening med uppgift att vara samhällets ledande inspiratör och informatör för att maximera värde och att minimera slöseri. Varje år uppmärksammar vi föredömen inom lean genom att dela ut Svenska Leanpriset.